Liturgical Ministries

Our parish community draws its life and mission from the liturgy that we celebrate as a community. At Mass, in the Liturgy of the Hours, as well as in personal prayer, the Liturgical Life of St. John the Evangelist is centered around our sharing in Jesus’ own life with the Father in the Holy Spirit. Our celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist, is the basis of the Liturgical Life of our parish. In addition to that, our music ministry and small prayer groups allow the life of grace to draw the members of our parish community into communion with Christ.

ALTAR SERVERS – All children of our parish who have received their First Communion are invited to serve at weekend and Holy Day Masses as well as other special liturgies as needed. Training is provided.

ADULT FUNERAL SERVERS – All are invited to serve at the funeral Mass of our parishioners.

CANTORS – Cantors lead the congregational singing for all weekend Masses.

CARD WRITING MINISTRY – Volunteers from our parish send greeting cards to parishioners who are homebound and in nursing homes several times a year.  Cards and stamps are provided.

CHURCH ENVIRONMENT – We have such a beautiful church in which to celebrate the mysteries of God’s love for us.   We invite all who are willing to participate in decorating our worship space for the main seasons of the year.  It is a very rewarding experience.

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION – We need at least one minister at each of our weekend Masses to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion.  Instruction is provided for all new ministers.

FR. PEYTON PRAYER MINISTRY – Individuals pray for the special intentions of our parishioners and all who request their prayers.

LECTORS – Proclaiming the word of God at weekend and daily Mass is a privilege.  Instruction and a workbook for preparation at home is provided.

USHERS – We welcome any parishioner who would be willing to serve as a greeter to welcome all who come to Mass and to help with the offertory collection.

HOSPITALITY - Our ministers of hospitality serve our Parish by serving as welcoming faces to family and friends as they are entering the Celebration of the Eucharist. Hospitality Ministers are needed at every mass and serve an important role in making all truly feel welcome. 

To learn more, or to get involed in any of our liturgical ministries, contact Michael at